Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, as I was laying in bed last night, I got to thinking. I was thinking of how I didn't say sorry to my brother after I elbowed him in the ribs. And then I though well if I didn't elbow him in the first place I wouldn't have to say sorry. And then if I didn't elbow him and didn't say sorry after I wouldn't feel bad. Now that turned my mind. I thought that if I didn't make mistakes and hurt people I wouldn't ever have to say sorry. But I know that I was put here to make mistakes and I guess to say sorry and fix it. Sometimes I screw up big time, and sometimes not. I guess the point of this is to say sorry for all the wrong I have done and not said sorry, and to say sorry even if I have already said sorry, and most important to say sorry for the future. Everyone messes up. So I'm sorry Dad I have done a lot of wrong to you. And Eathan I got mad for a stupid reason and I will try to be nicer to you. My sunday school teacher said yesterday that Jesus knows every move we are going to make, until we die, and that he knows if we can change. I know he knows our hearts.  So all I'm trying to say is 

I'm sorry

1 comment:

Marissa said...

first of's spelled Ethan...sorry that's just been bugging me cause every spells it like that and i think it's strange....

secondly.....Cheyenne, that was BEAUTIFUL!! I think I'm going to cry *sniff sniff*...